Christmas Carol Service

  Our Lady’s Sunday 15th December at 3.00 p.m. Please join us for our Carol Service which will include contributions from Our Lady’s and St. Margaret Clitherow schools along with the opportunity for all children to take part in the nativity tableau....

Drop in Café meeting

There will be a meeting on the 11th December 2019  at  7.00 pm for any volunteers who would like to help in the Drop in Café.  


Will be on Monday 9th December at midday in the Convent Chapel, Bulwell, followed by a shared lunch in the Volunteer Centre. Please let Maggie Mairura know if you can attend and please spread the word.  


Sunday 8th Dec 2019, 2pm to 6pm at Our Lady’s Church , Bulwell NG6 9ES led by  renowned international speaker & evangelist  Ros Powell. Praise & worship, Talks,  Sunday Mass , Adoration & Healing ministry.  A collection to cover costs. All welcome ....