Gospel thought for Monday 5th July Feria

Gospel Reading – Matthew 9: 18-26 While he was saying these things to them, suddenly a leader of the synagogue came in and knelt before him, saying, ‘My daughter has just died; but come and lay your hand on her, and she will live.’ And Jesus got up and followed him,...

Sunday 4th July        14th Sunday in Ordinary 2021

Gospel Reading – Mark 6: 1-6 Jesus left that place and came to his hometown, and his disciples followed him. On the sabbath he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were astounded. They said, “Where did this man get all this? What is this...

Gospel thought for Friday 2nd July 2021 Feria

Gospel                                                                                                                                                 Matthew 9:9-13      As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax booth; and he said to...