“Mother Mary” – A very unusual musical version of the Christmas story

December 19, 2017


St. Peter’s Church, Hinckley

With specially written words by Fr. Frank Daly to the music of ABBA. It was produced very successfully four years ago and is returning by popular demand. It will be presented by a choir of 60 people with the leading roles being played by people from the SPANNED Diocesan agency. Performances are: Monday 18th December – 7.30pm, St. Joseph’s Church, Leicester; Tuesday 19th December – 7.30pm, St. Peter’s Church, Hinckley. For details of ticket availability, please contact St. Peter’s Priory, Leicester Rd., Hinckley LE10 1LW. Tel.01455 634443 or email: hinckleypriory@gmail.com.