Hello Friends,
I hope this note finds you all well and staying safe.
I want to share a little information with you regarding my health. Over the last number of months, I have battled with my health and struggled with 3 viruses. Some of this may be to do with my weight and a big chunk of it has to do with my workload.
Our two churches are growing in numbers and new parishioners are arriving almost weekly. As you know we are working together as a parish to build up the Kingdom of God. There are many things you can do without me and there are many things you can’t do without me, but together you and I can make a difference! So let us work together for the good of our Parish.
I need to stand back and allow myself the time I need to heal myself fully so that I can serve you well. If I don’t give myself the time to heal, I will be no good to anyone and I want to be around for many years to come. I need your help and cooperation to make this happen. I am not asking you not to ask for things, but what I am asking, is for you to plan and think of what you need from me and then go through the proper channel of the office. I need you to go to Breege and Maria with all your concerns and I promise we will address them, but it will be at a planned and organized time.
Last minute planning and organizing is out! Breege and Maria, work over and above the hours that they are paid for and work so hard to try and meet all of the demands that are made on me, in the short number of hours they work. I need your cooperation to try and work within the framework of the office opening hours.
Tuesday-Thursday 9-1.PM any emergencies outside of these times you can call me on my mobile, but please, please remember EMERGENCIES ONLY.
For the next few weeks, I am laying low in trying to build up my strength, so that when I do come back, I am coming back strong and healthy. Thank you all for your love, prayers and your kindness. I would also like to thank Fr Eric, for his joyful, love and support to me and the parish, as well as the other priests who have been helping out, may God bless you all.
This weekend we enter into the month of October a month when we are encouraged to pray the most holy rosary. Please if you have not said the rosary for some time or don’t know how to pray the rosary ask a member of your family, a friend or a parishioner to teach you, it’s never too late to learn this beautiful prayer of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary.
For the month of October, I will pray my rosary each day for you, your families and your loved ones intentions.
Have a blessed and happy week!
Fr John
Parish Priest