
February 18, 2018 - March 25, 2018

St. Barnabas Cathedral Hall, Nottingham

Nottingham West Deanery will be running a programme (called “Encounter”) on each Sunday in Lent at Cathedral Hall. It will look at our relationship with the persons of the Blessed Trinity, the Church and our personal role in the Church. The evening will include a meal, a talk, a time of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, and group discussion. Bishop Patrick will be coming each week to prayerfully support this initiative; and he hopes that there will be at least two young adults (18-35) from each parish in the Nottingham deaneries present. There is no cost at all to this programme; we just request that if people intend to come, they let us know for catering purposes. You can do this here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/encounter-tickets-42730737787?aff=ehomecard. It is our hope that all who come will be built up in their faith.